Interests with a filled background indicate that you have a mutual interest.
- Osaka
- Osaka people is more friendly than Tokyo people?
- Tokyo
- where to fix my flip 4? :(
- Sydney
- 15 speed bumps in 1km - Is this Sydney's most speed bumped street?
- Sao Paulo
- Existe alguma construtora que faz prédios bem localizados(menos de 1k do metrô) e com condomínio enxuto?
- Bangkok
- Help me decide: Park Origin Phrom Phong vs Ashton Chula-Silom?
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Activity Log
Lakehoarder84 needs 4094 XP to get to the level Adventurer. Each level gives you 3% premium membership discount.
4 Trailblazer · 5,906 XP
- Oct 21, 2023